Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yeerks, Athletics, Short Stories and Semptimus Heap

Okay, sorry I haven't posted in a while! *pause* Oh, who's going to read this anyway? *pause* Don't answer that.
First thing: Yeerks. Well, more like Omegle. But then-
Omegle is a site that connects you to random strangers on the Internet. Yeah, there IS a chance that they'll be creeps, but I've only met two or three. I've made some good friends on there :) and freaked a LOT of people out. But my most memorable conversation was with the random stranger who I convinced that Animorphs was real. Seriously! I told him all about the Yeerk threat by pretending to be Ax (or Aximili Esgarrouth Isthill) and then told him all about us - I mean, the Animorphs. Here's the link to that conversation, if you want to read it:
Sorry if it doesn't work, and ignore the gap, type it all in one line.
Athletics! We had our Athletics carnival today. Basically, we drew all over each other with permanent marker - my legs are COVERED in it - and we sung the Mysterious Ticking Noise by Potter Puppet Pals about 10 times (sorry if you don't know it). Plus, I went in the 800 meters. My friends were screaming encouragement at me, and I came... 6th. Out of 7. But I was a hero among The Group (our little clan) for about five minutes. And also, after the real thing, we came back to school to have 'Participation Games'. They were really fun. We got to drench other houses (Andrew, Barnabus, Cuthbert and Stephen - I'm in Stephen house) with wet sponges. I got soaked.
Short Stories! A little note. Almost finished my first EVER book, Stories from the Willow Tree - by Lillian _____. No last name yet! :) I have one, but not online I don't.
And finally, Septimus Heap. Awesome series I'm reading. Check it out - no, seriously, Google it and look it over - it'll only take a couple of minutes. I'm up to number four, Queste.
And... that's it! Now excuse me, I have to go read a Fanfic. Animorphs, obviously.

"Don't say the word 'cage' around Tobias. He'll do some guerrilla-commando-Ninja-SWAT-team-hawk-from-hell attack on the Center. And he'll talk Rachel into stomping your house flat."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Week That Was

So, 10th July to 19th July (today) we (me and my brothers Jasper and Damien) went to Brisbane to visit mum. Felt I should write down some stuff.
10th - arrived. Got acquainted with the cat who lives at number 4, but has taken up residence in our unit. Got acquainted with the unit itself. Nothing else, really.
11th - nothing. Or, if something happened, can't remember.
12th - grandpa, Harold Davies, died at the ripe old age of 105. If he had lived until November, he would have been 106 this year. He was the last surviving man who worked on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
13th - nothing. Went to Annerly Library and got Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich, greeted with much praise from mum (our whole family reads the series).
14th - nothing I remember, except I borrowed out Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman from Fairfield Library.
15th - ...
16th - went to DFO to get funeral suits for my brothers and a funeral dress for me. Gah! I hate DFO. Bad memories...
17th - funeral day. Not too bad. Grandma didn't lose her head. Met Uncle John, cousin James and his wife Leigh, and their kids Scarlett and Isabel (forgive me if I didn't spell that right) for the first time in ages.
18th - planned to go see Harry Potter 6. Went there, found the next free session was at 9:50pm. Left, decided to go tomorrow at 9:30am.
19th - today. Saw Harry Potter 6, was excellent. Discovered I was one of "those bloody Harry Potter fanatics". Drove home, broke Jasper's mp3 player, had my ritual mini hot chocolate at the service station. Home now, typing, obviously. Might go for a late night tonight. Made a pact with Jasper to stay up all night tomorrow. Won't make a blog of it this time, although I might write a short post at the end of it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Epilogue - Dusk till Dawn

6:15 am Wednesday
"Woah, Lil - the sky is getting lighter!"
I hurry outside. Sure enough, the dark clouds are turning a lighter mauve.
Jazz looks at my clock. "Do you realise in two hours we'll have been awake for twenty four hours? I can't remember the last time I did that..."
"I've never done that." I say.
Jazz nods. "It's weird to think, after all that night, that it's morning again, without any sleep."
I sit at my desk and stare at my screen. Pretty much all I've done for at least 10 hours. And what a ten hours. I'd surfed RAF, dominated Facebook, advanced in the Cyanide and Happiness archives, written a poem on Quizilla, done more than one quiz on both Facebook and Quizilla, and not to mention write out four rather impressive posts (not including this one).
But now?
I can finally see blue grey skies through my lace curtains, instead of solid black. There are more bird calls. More life.
Dusk till dawn. Did you believe I could make it? Did you think I would fall...asleep? I must say, I thought the latter. I'm rather impressed at myself.
6:21 am - With bird calls filtering through to my small human ears,I look over the neighbouring paddock and smile.
The kookaburras are calling.

The All Nighter Part 4

5:10 am - As I stated before, I am going to watch Animorphs. I may be a while. So... go do something. See you soon.
5:30 am - Taking a quick break from the Animorphs. Jazz and I took a peak outside. No sign of dawn yet, but a single star was shining through the thick cloud cover... hmm, that was poetic. I can hear kookaburras, though, so I know dawn cannot be far off.
5:33 am - Quick review. I'm at the part in Changes (don't know which part, 1, 2 or 3) where they're looking for Howard, I mean Harold in the mall (woah, deja vu). It's one of my favourite parts in the whole episode. I don't know why. Maybe it's how they're in this all serious huddle, and they go to move out, but everyone walks forward and they all bang into each other. Maybe it's the music (it is pretty cool). Maybe it's the smooth transition from them to Tobias. For now, back to the show. Later.
5:37 am - Another quick thing. This is a taping of a TV marathon, so it has adds and little intros back to it and that. My favourite is, when they come back from ads (or should I say, These Messages) they go, "You're watching the Animorphs Nickolodeon Television movie..." then it zooms out on a hawk's eye. "But who's watching you?" Awesome.
5:42 am - Aha! My favourite part. Tobias in the hologram with Elfangor. Brings to mind the first lines of Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap - "Where are we, what they hell is going on..."
Direct Quote, I swear - "Yes, Tobias. I am your father."
Not a direct quote - "That's not true! That's impossible!"
"Search your feelings, you know it is the truth."
Direct Quote - "Why didn't you tell me that night, when you landed here?"
"there wasn't time."
Not a direct quote - "Bull**** there wasn't time!"
5:49 am - As the end of Changes pt 3 draws closer, there are two or three things I have to say:
1. I spent most of this episode yelling things at the screen, such as "I KNOW YOUR NAME IS ****ING JAKE!!" and "THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS IN THE BOOK!!" and "YOU CAN'T MORPH THAT ****ING QUICKLY!!"
2. When this line comes on... "It's Tobias... but there's something different about him." "He's smiling." ...I screech with joy and pent up AWWWWWs.
5:54 am - As 6 am draws ever nearer, I'd like to say a couple of things.
1. It's been a truly unfamiliar and remarkably rewarding experience writing down this night. I hope people will actually read this one day :)
2. I challenge any of you who have never done it before... go the dusk till dawn challenge, and somehow record your doings. It makes for an interesting read afterward!
3. I hope you have enjoyed reading this night with me. I wouldn't say it's changed my life, but...in some way it has. I have new respect for people who do this most nights. And I have a feeling I am going to be doing these nights in my uni days :)
4. Keep an eye on this blog. I might just do something else that's completely, utterly, stark raving mad... or in other words, I might just act naturally.
6 am - So. Here it is. The big moment. Dawn. I hold my breath...
...and the stupid sun is nowhere in sight. Oh well. Back to Animorphs. I'll just put this down as another wacky adventure in the life of a would be Animorph... Lillian.

The All Nighter Part 3

3 am - Beginning my playlist. We'll figure out the length if it kills me! Thinking about writing a story on Quizilla...
3:01 am - Me and Jazz are venturing outside for a sec. I'll leave the music playing :)
3:02 am - Hmm, not that interesting. Just a bunch of clouds. Now, if it had been cloudless... that would have been awesome.
3:05 am - Strange. I'm writing a poem at the moment (untitled so far) and the main focus is blue. I let my eyes drift back to the first word, Blue, and suddenly I hear in my music 'Blue, blue, electric blue...'. creepy.
3:11 am - Oh dear. Dad just came in. He acted nice, so I can't be sure if he wasn't sleep walking... oh well, I'm not in trouble, so that's good. The music continues. I cannot pause it, or the timing will muck up.
3:17 am - Just finished Blue (the poem). Here's the description I wrote: Blue - Something I made up as I went along. It kind of morphed (appropriate word) into a Rachel/Tobias (Animorphs) tribute at the end, but I like it. Besides, everything reminds me of Animorphs these days... no, I would not like a lift back to the asylum, thank you very much.
3: 36 am - I have suffered a loss of direction. I went from surfing RAF, to checking on Ax's Twitter blog (I know, I know - AniObsessed!) and now to Cyanide and Happiness. I believe after that I shall watch Changes pt1 - 3... oh no! I can't I'd have to pause the music! I guess I could... sake of progress...*mumble, mutter*
3:53 am - Staved off the inevitable pause for now. On Facebook. Animorphs has become a little stale for me tonight... I know, shock horror. I'm kind of sad... almost 2 hours until 6 am and that means sunrise, which means sleep. Although I feel like a zombie: sleepy, yet alert. Maybe hyper alert? sensory overload? I don't know, I got "sensory overload" from Hover Car Racer I think... so, maybe not sleep.
3:59 am - One more minute...
4:13 - Oh. *slow blink* kind of missed the big turning point there... oh well. might watch changes from comfort of bed a little later...
4:24 am - I am in love with many things: Animorphs, the name Tobias Peregrine Cooper, cornchips, Christopher Ralph, but most recently... Facebook PickYour5! That's what I'm mostly doing now... oh dear. biggest celebrity crushes, and I can only think of three. time for some Creative Thinking!
4:34 am - Posted a mention of this blog on Facebook. Gotta keep awake, aware... "Coz my heart won't be your rag doll anymore." That's good, singing is good, well not mine obviously... but it keeps us awake. Woah, suddenly realised I said us... maybe I do need sleep...
4:40 am - at 5 am (or perhaps earlier) I might retire to Changes pt 1 - 3... woah! that was freaky. I could swear I heard a chair pushed out from the desk in Damien's (my brother's) room, but he's away in Lismore (or maybe it's Brisbane... yeah, it's Brisbane) . Eh, probably nothing. If this is my last entry, I was probably murdered by a chain saw weilding maniac, or a giant monster like that one out of Cloverfield.
5 am - Hope I didn't freak you out with my long silence. I found an AWESOME group on Facebook, called... Petition for the Formation of a 90s Nick Chanel! Isn't it awesome? Ren and Stimpy, Catdog, Angry Beavers, Hey Arnold... and of course, Animorphs! Going to do one last routine check over Facebook, then submit to Changes pt1 - 3.
5:09 am - Have paused music here. Music started at 3, still going strong at 5 - 22 songs left. I'll continue when I get back. Peace be with you all, so mote it be.
Will I make it? Go to part four...

The All Nighter Part 2

Here's part 2, continue at your own peril... as always :)
1:36 am Wednesday - Decided to stop replying to every topic on RAF and about to follow a vague reference to a website called AniObsession (seems like my home page).
1:39 am Wednesday - Led to nothing, nada, zero, zip. *sigh* Haven't heard from Jazz in a while... might go check up on him...
1:44 am Wednesday - He's still awake. He's playing Team Fortress 2. On the game he joined, it's a mess of writhing, running and big ass explosions. He was a Pyro. I left saying, "See you. I'm getting away from this bloodbath." Aww, now I don't have RAF to post on, what'll I do? I might see what other Ani books I can read...
2:10 am Wednesday - Read the last part of 38, The Arrival. I like the part when the other Andalites realise that Ax never left the Animorphs, that they staged it like a show... I was practically in tears when I first read this, I was convinced that the Animorphs were breaking up and Ax had deserted them... but this line alerted me...
Cassie peered over the door of one of the stalls. "Jake! What are you doing there?"
Prince Jake's head emerged. "Hiding. Tom's been picking on me all afternoon. I can't take it anymore."
I was thinking, hey, Tom never bullies Jake... something's up here... o_O four more hours...
2:17 am Wednesday - Decided to restart Vegemorphs, and Animorphs parody I started reading a while back, but never finished... see you in a while.
2:25 am Wednesday - Oh, I give up. I just can't read that rubbish. Sorry, but... I'm tired and cranky. And I just had a weird moment. I got kinda sleepy and confused and then I looked out the window, fully expecting it to be overcast yet fairly bright outside (like this afternoon - last afternoon - whatever), but it's solid black. Lack of sleep must be getting to me... almost finished the third cycle of my playlist (it goes for somewhere between 1 and a half hours and 2 and a half... might record it next time...
2:40 am Wednesday - Doing Animorph quizzes on Quizilla, they're easy. Very cold. Jazz just came in, commented on time, left.
2:45 am Wednesday - It is official, I am Tobias. *pouts* but Quizilla and Facebook told me so! I took quizzes on both and they both came up with Tobias and, get this, with the SAME picture. Spooky much? not really. Wonder if they had the same pictures for the others?
2:51 am Wednesday - Looked at prices of entire Animorph series on Ebay. $50 for 56 books, shipping to Australia unknown cost - I think not. I need to take up less space, so I'll write less. Down and out.
2:58 am Wednesday - Sorry, just letting you know I'll be testing how long my playlist goes for... starting at 3 am. Might start part 3 on it actually... meet you there!

The All Nighter Part 1

9:29 pm Tuesday - Me and my brother Jasper have made a pact. Dusk till dawn, no sleep. I shall stay on my computer for the most time, but if I get a headache, I will retire to reading. Wish me luck.
10:37 pm Tuesday - Just finished reading Visser, an extra Animorph book set between two regular titles (not sure which, it was late series - late 40's, early 50's maybe?). The library didn't have it, so I just read it then, some months after finishing the series. It was alright. Going to get a glass of water, get cracking on another book, check up on Facebook.
11:11 pm Tuesday - Jasper has just came into my room, looked at my clock, and said "woah - it's 11:11, did you realise?" "no - I thought it was 10:45 or something." "yeah, me too..."
12:02 am Wednesday - As Jasper has just announced, it's midnight - time for a midnight snack *grins evilly*
12:07 am Wednesday - back with my devilish midnight snack... two slices of bread with peanut butter. More or less given up on the book, number 10 - The Android. As interesting as Erek and the Chee are, Marco is just not one of my favourite narrators... I like Tobias, Cassie and Jake the best. Ax is certainly refreshing... "Cinnabons! Bun - zah!"
12:24 am Wednesday - Bunyip (our dog) is on a barking spree. I should go check it out, but it's probably nothing. Plus, it's raining out there, so... it seems to be taking a long time to finish my peanut butter bread. I'm not even finished the first piece.
12:31 am Wednesday - Finally finished my peanut butter bread. Bunyip still barking crazily. I might just slip out there to peek around... or not. Yeah, I'm chicken. So sue me. Up to page 71 of 99 in The Android. *absently hums the theme to Mission: Impossible*
12:44 am Wednesday - The Android is finished. Next!
"How do you . . . how do you live with the memory?" he asked me. I knew what he meant. See, win or lose, right or wrong, the memory of violence sits inside your head. It sits there, like some lump you can't quite swallow. It sits there, a black hole that darkens hope, and eats away at everyday happiness like a cancer...
1:01 am Wednesday - Darn, my alarm just went off. I set it to 1 am ages ago and never got around to turning it off. So my CD just randomly started to play. Live from the Panel, Vol 4 btw. Try to imagine Overload by Sugarbabes ( CD ) coming on over the top of The Jean Genie by David Bowie ( PC ).
1:26 am Wednesday - Just posted a new topic on RAF (Richard's Animorphs Forum - join us!) called Animorphs dreams. I posted a dream I had and encouraged others to post theirs. I won't say the dream here (it's too long, plus it may freak many non Animorphs fans out), but basically I kept switching between the Animorphs and myself. *shivers, then yawns*. No, I will not break! I will defend against sleep until dawn!
Hmm, this is taking up quite some space... tune in for part 2!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lillian 101

My name is Lillian. That's my first name, obviously. I can't tell you my last name. I won't even tell you where I live. You'll just have to trust me that it is a real place, a real town.It may even be your town.
How do I describe myself? I quote Animorphs at random times. I hate cheese. My hair never gets beyond my shoulders before I cut it again. Right now I'm listening to Hello Goodbye by the Beatles. If I look into someone's eyes, their reaction is usually to back away. Seriously.
None of this tells you much about me. It doesn't give you much to work with. And that's the way I'm going to keep it. Because the Controllers are everywhere...
My blogs here may be few and far between, but don't give up on them. They will center on anecdotes from my daily life, books I want people to know about (mainly Animorphs), music I love and little ponderings that wake me in the early hours.
Follow me at your own peril, but if you ever need someone to talk to on a deeper or more Animorphs level, here I am.
"Cassie is quieter than Rachel, more peaceful, like she always understands everything on some different, more mystical level..."