Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yeerks, Athletics, Short Stories and Semptimus Heap

Okay, sorry I haven't posted in a while! *pause* Oh, who's going to read this anyway? *pause* Don't answer that.
First thing: Yeerks. Well, more like Omegle. But then-
Omegle is a site that connects you to random strangers on the Internet. Yeah, there IS a chance that they'll be creeps, but I've only met two or three. I've made some good friends on there :) and freaked a LOT of people out. But my most memorable conversation was with the random stranger who I convinced that Animorphs was real. Seriously! I told him all about the Yeerk threat by pretending to be Ax (or Aximili Esgarrouth Isthill) and then told him all about us - I mean, the Animorphs. Here's the link to that conversation, if you want to read it:
Sorry if it doesn't work, and ignore the gap, type it all in one line.
Athletics! We had our Athletics carnival today. Basically, we drew all over each other with permanent marker - my legs are COVERED in it - and we sung the Mysterious Ticking Noise by Potter Puppet Pals about 10 times (sorry if you don't know it). Plus, I went in the 800 meters. My friends were screaming encouragement at me, and I came... 6th. Out of 7. But I was a hero among The Group (our little clan) for about five minutes. And also, after the real thing, we came back to school to have 'Participation Games'. They were really fun. We got to drench other houses (Andrew, Barnabus, Cuthbert and Stephen - I'm in Stephen house) with wet sponges. I got soaked.
Short Stories! A little note. Almost finished my first EVER book, Stories from the Willow Tree - by Lillian _____. No last name yet! :) I have one, but not online I don't.
And finally, Septimus Heap. Awesome series I'm reading. Check it out - no, seriously, Google it and look it over - it'll only take a couple of minutes. I'm up to number four, Queste.
And... that's it! Now excuse me, I have to go read a Fanfic. Animorphs, obviously.

"Don't say the word 'cage' around Tobias. He'll do some guerrilla-commando-Ninja-SWAT-team-hawk-from-hell attack on the Center. And he'll talk Rachel into stomping your house flat."


  1. Willow Tree - by Lillian _____.
    i can fill in the blank :P
    u almost revealed me the last name :P
    i wont reveal . plus, i dontknow whether its true :D

    else, excellent blog :D ...seems like u has fun
